Women in IT: Pannel

Discussion pannel of women in the IT industry about her journey in an industry dominated by men. Stories and experiences from great women engineers and leaders

Gabriela Gutierrez
Marketing Lead
Seasoned Digital Marketer with 12 years of experience working with international B2B and B2C companies. She currently leads the marketing initiatives for ITJ.
Luz Maria Montero Vidal
IT Support Specialist
My name is Luz Montero, I am 28 years old and originally from the state of Morelos. I moved to Tijuana when I was 19 years old seeking a better lifestyle and better career opportunities. I started by working for nearly 6 years in the call center industry as a technical support agent. Within my time in the call center I started to merge into the administration part of business and spent 2 years outside of the call center and dove right into management. It wasn't until 2020 when I decided to change directions again and sought a position in the tech world full time. I joined iTJuana in September last year and I am currently an IT Support Specialist for a science monitoring company named XiltriX USA.
Karen Valdez
Android Developer
My name is Karen Valdez. I enjoy swimming and outdoor activities. I love drinking coffee and getting to know new coffee shops in the city. My passion is engineering and everything that involves technology. I studied Biomedical Engineering in Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana, were I graduated on December 2019. Right now I work as an Android Developer, and have been in Dexcom for more than a year, which is a job I have really enjoyed. I hope to continue to grow as an engineer and be an impact in the lives of others.
Isabel Santos
Software Engineer Supervisor
Isabel Santos is Software Engineer Supervisor at Dexcom Center of Excellence since August 2020. She got her Bachelor of Computer Science with a specialization in Software Development from the Technological Institute of Los Mochis in 2000. Her passion for the technological world has allowed her to develop also in the educational world as a teacher and coordinator of the software engineering career, helping young dreamers to find love for what they do and not give up in the face of any social or intellectual obstacles they are experiencing. When she is not looking for new strategies on how to improve the performance of her teams, she is dedicated to her family and her cats. She currently continues to prepare as an Agile Leader within the world of technology.
Paula Diaz
Talent Acquisition Specialist
Paula is a professional with working experience on Talent Acquisition, Tech Recruitment and External Communications. She was born and raised in Ecuador and she's been living in Mexico for the last two years. She loves her job, technology, and she believes equality and diversity make professional teams stronger.
Adriana Cardenas
Software Engineering Manager
Adriana Cardenas  is Software Engineering Manager at Dexcom Of Excellence since May 2021. She has 16 years in the software Industry. She got her bachelor of computer Engineer, then finished a Master's related to software development with a specialization in quality models and process improvement. She has been helping to implement best practices according to Agile philosophy define. She had been responsible for the Development talent department, talent acquisition, and training areas. Her passion is helping develop talent and having an improvement process mindset using Agile philosophy.

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